Community surveys

Our latest surveys and the actions taken from your responses to previous surveys.

Consultation on changes to the wild-flower beds Scott Grove, Belhelvie

Following a request to the Belhelvie Community Council (BCC) from a large contingent of residents from the Scott Grove area in Belhelvie for the removal of the original wild-flower beds and overgrown areas within the grasses amenity area at the entrance to the settlement from the North end. A proposal has been put forward that the area in question be reinstated as a maintained grass area for the enjoyment of the residents of Belhelvie. Should this proposal be adopted, the work would be carried out in conjunction with the BCC and thereafter maintained by the Aberdeenshire council.

In order to progress this request, a wider consensus from the majority of the residents of the settlement of Belhelvie or others who may feel affected by this proposal. The consultation, due to the limited areas involved, shall be taken directly by the BCC and remain open until Sunday 10 September 2023. A final decision on the future of this area shall be taken following the closure of this period and a formal notification shall be posted our Facebook page and the BCC website.


Feedback: please send your feedback to the BCC email:

Deadline: Sunday 10 September 2023

Facilities and activities for young people 

Survey results 2020

What will happen with the ideas?

Belhelvie Community Trust and Belhelvie Community Council are working together on this survey.  We want to help our communities develop the ideas you send into real projects.

Public transport survey 2019

In May 2019 we ran a survey about public transport in the Belhelvie area (Belhelvie, Balmedie, Potterton, Blackdog and Whitecairns). 171 people responded – thank you everyone! We wanted to find out how you rate the current transport service, what you want from the services, any complaints you have filed with Stagecoach and how you would use a community bus service if it was available. 

We presented your responses to Stagecoach in June at their public consultation about timetables, and at the bus users forum run by Aberdeenshire Council also in June.  

Changes to bus services since the survey

On 19 August 2019 new timetable started operating with 2 more 54 buses going along Eigie Road in Balmedie during the week, making the service hourly again, and a new 747 service going through Balmedie to and from the airport. In January 2020 Aberdeenshire Council started operating two trial services (A64 & A65) in Blackdog going into Aberdeen and connecting Blackdog to stops on the A90. The trail will be assessed in March 2020.

Ongoing work with Stagecoach

We continue to attend the bus users forum every six months and raise the issue of transport for our residents. We are also continuing to talk to Stagecoach and Aberdeenshire Council about your feedback and especially the requests to return the 54 route to stopping on King Street at Morrisons.

Complaints about buses

If you make a complaint to Stagecoach about the buses please let the Belhelvie Community Council know, we’re collecting complaints to take up with Stagecoach. You can email us at or call 07767237644

Survey ideas

Do you have a idea for a community survey the we should run?  Get in touch and let us know, email


Third Monday of the month.  See our meeting page 


