Belhelvie Community Council Elections 2022

Election results 2022

Our election results were confirmed at our Annual General Meeting on 20 June 2022, and we welcome a new Community Councillor from Whitecairns, Gavin Drummond to the Belhelvie Community Council.

We can still co-opt new members between elections to the Community Council so if you are interested in getting involved please get in touch.

Aberdeenshire Council have published a list of successful 2022 candidates (Aberdeenshire Council website).

The current list of all Belhelvie Community Councillors is available on this website.

Belhelvie Community Council Elections 2022

Opening date for nominations: Monday 9 May 2022
Closing date for submitting nominations: 5pm on Monday 30 May 2022

Download the nomination form (and guidance)
(Aberdeenshire Council website)

Find out more about the Formartine Community Council elections 
(Aberdeenshire Council website)

Please note nominations need to be sent to Aberdeenshire Council's Formartine Area Office. 

Contact details for Formartine Area Office 
(Aberdeenshire Council website)

More information

You can find out more about the role of a community councillor and the work of the Belhelvie Community Council on our webpages.  


Third Monday of the month.  See our meeting page 

