Coronavirus help and advice

Where to find help locally and nationally.  You can also see updates on the impact on our local services on our news page and on our Facebook page.

Help and support

Transport to vaccinations

The mass Vaccination programme is underway with people being directed to mass vaccination centres across Aberdeenshire.

For those people who are unable to make their own way to appointments Belhelvie Community Council can co-ordinate and pay for taxis to help them attend their appointment.

Please note this is initially restricted to those residing within the settlements of Belhelvie Parish (Balmedie, Belhelvie, Potterton, Whitecairns, Blackdog).

We will require a name, pickup address, destination address and appointment time.

You can contact us to arrange transport through:
BCC Facebook page:  Belhelvie Community Council Facebook page 
Phone (for BCC vaccination transport help): 07733322244


Aberdeenshire North Foodbank

Aberdeenshire North Foodbank have a center in Ellon that Belhevie, Balmedie, Blackdog, Whitecairns and Potterton residents can use.  Everyone who comes to the foodbank for emergency food needs to have a valid foodbank voucher. You can find how who can help you with vouchers on the foodbank website.

Aberdeenshire North Foodbank - how to get help

Aberdeensire North Foodbank locations - Ellon, Inverurie, Huntly, Peterhead, Fraserburgh

Instant Neighbour foodbank and advice service 

The Instant Neighbour foodbank is open to anyone in Aberdeen city and Aberdeenshire. Instant Neighbour also offer welfare advice by phone.

Foodbank - St. Machar Drive, Aberdeen. No referral is required, each adult in a household will need to register individually with Instant Neighbour.

Foodbank opening hours - Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm, and 2pm to 4pm.

Find out more on the Instant Neighbour website

Local help

Local groups and support

We’re aware that many of you want to help vulnerable members of our community who are self-isolating at the moment.

Several groups and activities have formed locally, a few are listed here. Apologies to any we’ve missed, to be added to the list please get in touch: email the Belhelvie Community Council or contact us on our Facebook page 

Friends and neighbours

Please check on your neighbours by phone or from a safe distance to see if they need anything, and keep an eye out for members of our community who may not be online at this time.

Community Council work

We are continuing the work of the Belhelvie Community Council during the current crisis. We have moved our monthly meetings online and working together using phone, email and online meetings.  We continue to be in contact with Aberdeenshire Council and our Councillors.

Scottish Government route map & protection levels

Current rules (available from the Scottish Government website)

Grampian Coronavirus (COVID-19) Assistance Hub

The Hub provides help and advice for Grampian.   Information available includes:

- How to make a request for assistance and how to register to offer one
- Information about schools and nurseries
- How coronavirus is spread and how to avoid catching or spreading germs
- Guidance and support available for businesses
- Financial support and assistance
- View latest news from UK and Scottish governments

Links to Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeen Council, British Red Cross, HM Coastguard, Moray Council, NHS Grampian, Police Scotland, SCottish Fire and Rescue Service and SSE

Visit the Grampian Coronavirus (COVID-19) Assistance Hub website

Staying informed

We are updating Facebook and our website with news about local services such as Doctors, Schools and other Council facilities as soon as we hear about any changes due to the crisis. (See our news page for more information).

We recommend you keep up with the latest advice from the Scottish government through their website and the news.

Advice and volunteering in Scotland

The Ready Scotland site has information about:

- Helping your neighbours, friends and family
- How to volunteer
- Where to find additional support
- Advice for community groups
- Shopping responsibly
- Advice for businesses

Find out more on the Ready Scotland website

There is specific advice for volunteering on:

- Returning Health & Social Care workers
- British Red Cross supporting our public services including the NHS and local authorities
- Volunteer Scotland to supporting other charities and groups in your community

Find out more on the Ready Scotland website - volunteering information

Page last updated: 30 May 2022


Third Monday of the month.  See our meeting page 


