Your voice in the community

Coummunity Council for Belhelvie, Balmedie, Blackdog, Whitecairns and Potterton

News & events

News on local issues, consultations, updates, meetings and presentations

Meetings & plans

Find out about the our monthly meetings, how to submit questions,  the latest agenda and approved minutes

Local planning

Where to find information on local planning applications, the local development plan (LDP) and developer consultations


Follow us on Facebook for our latest news, local coronavirus information, and updates from Aberdeenshire Council, the Police and other local services

About us

Community Council elections, your community councillors, what we are working on and how the council operates 

Local help & advice

Local warm spaces, foodbanks, emergency contacts, road closures, bins, environmental issues, defibrillators, and Police contacts


Third Monday of the month.  See on our meeting page  


